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Mother's Day Petite Wrapped Bouquet


*This bouquet is available during Mother's Day only, May 10th-12th*

If you need your flowers by a specific time, we highly recommend pick up or ordering a day ahead. Our delivery times are estimates, and we cannot guarantee an exact time. We will do our best to deliver within your specified window, but please be patient as this is our busiest time of year. Thank you! <3  

Our petite wrap includes beautiful statement blooms, playful textures, and whimsical greenery in our Mother's Day limited edition color palette. Wrapped in layers of tissue and paper, hand-tied with ribbon or add a vase if you'd like. 

This wrapped bouquet includes 5 blooms and 3 texture / greenery stems. 

Care tips | We recommend fresh water changes + a stem trim every other day, and cool temperatures indoors for this gal to live a long life! 

Our promise | To deliver fresh and unique blooms in each and every delivery. In order to meet our quality standards (and because we are at the mercy of Mother Nature) this may mean we need to substitute a flower and/or color in your order. While we cannot guarantee the exact color or what the exact flower combinations will be, we do guarantee that you or your recipient will love this fresh, colorful, and beautiful piece!

StyleWrapped Bouquet


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